Sep 08 Thu

LLM Peer-to-Peer Legal Resume Workshop

08:00AM - 10:00PM Washington College of Law - NT07

Struggling with application materials for an internship or externship? We are here to help! Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD) will be hosting LLM Peer-to-Peer Legal Resume Workshop on Thursday, September 8th at 12-1:30 pm. The session will help you develop a stellar US style resume for your dream employer. To prepare for the session, use the LLM Resume Template to revise your existing document, and then bring the updated version to the session with you. During the session, you will trade feedback with other LLM students, and we will keep working with you until you get these just right.


 Note: If you are an incoming LLM and SJD student, you must attend this workshop before requesting an individual appointment for resume review.  


Career & Professional Development


Washington College of Law
4300 Nebraska Avenue, NW
Washington DC