Fall 2007 Course Schedule

Current Issues in Int'l. Organizations (LAW-795-008)

Meets: 01:30 PM - 04:10 PM (M) - Room 527

Enrolled: 11 / Limit: 20

Administrator Access


There are no notices at this time.


This course coincides with the beginning of the Conference of the United Nations which will deal with the need for substantial reforms of the UN System, including the Secretariat and the Security Council. It will undertake to examine the roots of long standing conflicts that have and continue to be addressed by the UN- Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel Palestine, Congo, Darfur and Kashmir, and others. Development, environment and human rights, along with the role of specialized agencies, will be among the topics that the seminar will examine. Regional Organizations such as the Organization of African Union, the Organization of American States and the Arab League assume significant roles in various crises around the world such as that in Darfur, Sudan. It will be further discussed how The Arab League engages in issues such as human development and human rights in the Arab World.
Issues of development and human rights and the consequences of the negative votes in France and Holland to the proposed constitution of the European Union and how it will affect the prospects of enhanced integration of the 25 countries into the European Union will be discussed.
The seminar will also inevitably address the legal issues emerging from post conflict reconstruction efforts and plans, as well as the degree that UN Security Council Resolutions constituted the sources of international law on the prospects of implementing these resolutions as has taken place in Lebanon. Furthermore, the reasons as to why many resolutions of the UN Security Council have not been implemented will be discussed in an attempt these reasons.
During the Semester, the Center for Global South and the WCL plan a major conference to evaluate the declaration of the summit in mid October. Students registered for the class will be required to attend and contribute to the analysis as part of their overall grade. Suggested readings will include the UN Report of the Secretary General of the UN and Charter of the UN. After you register and include your email, Professor Clovis Maksoud will be suggesting further reading materials that are relevant to the course.

Textbooks and Other Materials

The textbook information on this page was provided by the instructor. Students should use this information when considering purchases from the AU Campus Store or other vendors. Students may check to determine if books are currently available for purchase online.

First Class Readings

Not available at this time.