Fall 2007 Course Schedule

Health Law: Bioethics (LAW-719-003)

Meets: 06:00 PM - 08:40 PM (W) - Room 501

Enrolled: 13 / Limit: 14

Administrator Access


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This class will examine how the legal policy systems reconcile competing values and interests in controversies surrounding the practice of medicine. Case law, legislation, advisory policies, and institutional policies will be examined, as well as selected commentary from the legal, medical, and philosophical perspectives. Substantive topics may include: the definition of death, the right to refuse treatment, medical decisions regarding treatment for incompetent patients (including children), physician assisted suicide, procreative liberty, organ transplantation, research involving human subjects, and selected issues raised by genetics and human cloning. Grades will be based on class participation (20%), and a final take-home exam (80%)--although students who wish to use this class as their upper level writing requirement may do so in lieu of taking the final exam.

Textbooks and Other Materials

The textbook information on this page was provided by the instructor. Students should use this information when considering purchases from the AU Campus Store or other vendors. Students may check to determine if books are currently available for purchase online.

First Class Readings

Please pick up your packet from the copy center. Then read:

Class #1—Introduction and History/Role of Law
1) PK—Avraham Steinberg, The Foundations and the Development of Modern Medical Ethics, 12 J. ASSISTED REPRODUCTION & GENETICS 473 (1995).
2) PK—Kenneth DeVille, ‘What Does the Law Say?’ Law, Ethics, and Medical Decision Making, 160(5) WESTERN J. MED. 478-80 (1994).
3) PK—Carl Schneider, Bioethics in the Language of the Law, 24(4) HASTINGS CENTER REP. 16-22 (1994).
4) PK--Edmund Pellegrino, The Metamorphosis of Medical Ethics, 269(9) JAMA 1158-1162 (1993).
5) PK—Commentators, Ignore the Law, 30(4) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 22-23 (2000).
6) PK--Carl Schneider, The Best-Laid Plans, 30(4) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 24-25 (2000).


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