Fall 2007 Course Schedule

Int'l Human Rights Clinic (LAW-755-001)


Enrolled: 16 / Limit: 16

Administrator Access


Permission required


Students in the clinic handle asylum and human rights cases. Human rights cases focus on both international bodies and the application of international human rights law in U.S. courts. Students represent individuals and groups who assert violations of a wide range of basic human rights. Cases will be prepared, filed, and argued by students before tribunals. Students will also be involved in reporting, lobbying, press relations, and other aspects of human rights law. Students will represent refugees seeking political asylum in the United States, both in trial and appellate proceedings. In both human rights and asylum cases, students will develop a sound case theory, investigate facts, prepare witnesses, and present evidence in hearings or trials. The clinic will focus particular attention on the issues of representation of clients in a cross-cultural context. A knowledge of a foreign language is extremely useful for the clinic but is not required.

Textbooks and Other Materials

The textbook information on this page was provided by the instructor. Students should use this information when considering purchases from the AU Campus Store or other vendors. Students may check to determine if books are currently available for purchase online.

First Class Readings

Not available at this time.