Fall 2007 Course Schedule

National Security Law (LAW-635-001)

Meets: 02:30 PM - 03:50 PM (MW) - Room 601

Enrolled: 30 / Limit: 45

Administrator Access


There are no notices at this time.


This survey course will take a holistic view of the field of "national security law," especially in light of the unprecedented significance the study of national security law has today. Topics will include the constitutional framework (both with respect to the separation of powers and the complicated balance between national security and individual civil liberties), and the sophisticated statutory regime governing the measures the government may employ in defending the country from threats foreign and domestic, man-made and natural. As much as our focus is on the political branches, we will also look carefully at the role the courts have historically played in resolving legal claims implicating national security, including questions of secrecy, deference, and justiciability, and we will conclude with an assessment of the role the courts are playing today in considering challenges to the government's policies as part of the "war" on terrorism.

Textbooks and Other Materials

The textbook information on this page was provided by the instructor. Students should use this information when considering purchases from the AU Campus Store or other vendors. Students may check to determine if books are currently available for purchase online.

First Class Readings

You need not purchase any of the course materials for the first class. Rather, the first class reading is entirely contained within a handout that will be available outside Prof. Vladeck’s office (Room 386), and posted to the course Blackboard, as of Monday, August 13.


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