Fall 2009 Course Schedule

Gender Perspectives Across the World (LAW-795-008)

Meets: 04:00 PM - 05:50 PM (TH) - Room 351

Enrolled: 9 / Limit: 14

Administrator Access


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Gender Perspectives Across the World is an introduction to gender and international and comparative law. The course serves is an introduction to the feminist theories that inform and are informed by the work of international and local women’s rights activists all over the world. Readings explore the diversity of approaches taken by advocates for women’s equality—ranging from gender mainstreaming by international bodies to post-colonial critique offered by transnational activists from the global south. Rather than emphasize the doctrines of international law (WCL offers other courses covering CEDAW and other human rights instruments), the discussion and assignments encourage students to think critically and comparatively about how discourses on women, sexuality, gender, feminism, intersectionality, post-colonialism, and women’s rights are translated at state and local levels. The course covers aspects of law and policy not addressed elsewhere in the WCL gender and international and comparative law curriculum, such as integration of gender into development (including the feminist critiques of international development policy), women’s health both inside and outside of the context of development and rights, and women’s political participation around the world. We will take advantage of our Washington DC location to invite guest speakers or arrange site visits with advocates who approach gender equality from many different angles. In this way, the course exposes students to the variety of jobs and careers open to women’s rights advocates, helping them to begin to identify differences among the approaches taken by NGOs, international bodies, development banks, academics, direct service providers or grassroots activists. Finally, this course serves as a space for students to explore how to bring a “gender perspective” to work on women’s’ needs in their home countries.

Textbooks and Other Materials

The textbook information on this page was provided by the instructor. Students should use this information when considering purchases from the AU Campus Store or other vendors. Students may check to determine if books are currently available for purchase online.

First Class Readings

Not available at this time.


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