Apr 11 Wed

Comparative and International Rule of Law Development: Lessons Learned From the ABA ROLI

10:00AM - 11:50AM Washington College of Law N104

Since 1990, the American Bar Association has supported legal reform and legal capacity building throughout the world, drawing on international and comparative best practices to support rule of law development. This presentation from the Director of the ABA Rule of Law Initiative will highlight lessons learned from this work and provide an opportunity to discuss how comparative law works in practice in the rule of law development field.

Lecturer: Elizabeth Andersen, Director of ABA Rule of Law Initiative

Chair: Fernanda Nicola, Professor of Law and Director, Program on International Organizations, Law and Diplomacy

Registration is free but required.
Please go to https://www.wcl.american.edu/secle/registration


Prog International Organizations Law & Diplomacy

Special Events & CLE



Washington College of Law
4300 Nebraska Avenue, NW
Washington DC