Syllabus: International Commercial Arbitration Certificate Program

Module 1
Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration

  1. What is International Commercial Arbitration?
  2. Characteristics of “Arbitration”
  3. Meaning of “International” and “Commercial”
  4. Institutional and Ad Hoc Arbitration

Module 2
From Agreement to Clause

  1. Autonomy of the Arbitration Agreement
  2. Kompetenz-Kompetenz
  3. Formation and Validity of the Arbitration Agreement
  4. Drafting an Arbitration Clause

Module 3
The Arbitral Tribunal

  1. The Arbitrator and the Arbitral Tribunal
  2. Appointment of Arbitrators
  3. Challenge and Replacement of Arbitrators
  4. Rights and Responsibilities of Arbitrators

Module 4
The Arbitral Proceeding

  1. Applicable rules
  2. Initiation of the procedure
  3. The organization of the procedure: allegations and evidence
  4. Multi-Party Arbitration
  5. The arbitral award

Module 5
Provisional Measures

  1. Types of provisional measures
  2. The competent authority: the arbitral tribunal or the court of justice
  3. Procedure applicable to provisional measures
  4. Enforcement of provisional measures

Module 6
The Law Applicable to the Merits

  1. The principles applicable to the determination of the law applicable to the merits
  2. International public policy and other mandatory rules
  3. Questions related to the choice of forum
  4. The determination of the applicable law in case of absence of choice of forum by the parties

Module 7
Setting Aside of the Award

  1. Setting Aside in the UNCITRAL Model Law and National Arbitration Laws
  2. Grounds for the Setting Aside of Arbitral Awards
  3. Powers of the Courts of Justice in Setting Aside Procedures

Module 8
Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and Awards

  1. Scope of Application of the provisions of the 1958 New York Convention (Art. I)
  2. The Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements (Art. II)
  3. Referral by a Court to Arbitration (Art. II.3)
  4. Enforcement (Art. III)
  5. The Request for Recognition and Enforcement: Formal Requirements (Art. IV)
  6. The Request for Recognition and Enforcement: Grounds for Rejection (Art. V)

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