WCL Shower & Locker Room Policy

Shower use at WCL is limited to its community of faculty, staff, and students. The locker rooms are located in the P1 level of the parking garage in the corridors behind the bike racks. Access is granted by using your AU ID card which is coded for access once the policy has been agreed to and signed.

The hours of access are from 6 am to 10:30 pm Monday to Thursday and 6 am to 8 pm Friday to Sunday.

The lockers are for use during workouts or shower time only and not available for rental. Use is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any items left in lockers overnight will be removed and discarded.

WCL is not responsible for items left after hours although we will make our best efforts to keep the items for 1 week before disposing of the property unless other arrangements are made by emailing facilities@wcl.american.edu or calling 202-274-4357.

Users of the locker room are expected respect the facilities and to clean up after themselves. If there are any cleaning deficiencies they should be reported to custodial@wcl.american.edu.

If you agree to the above please provide your AU username and password below and submit. WCL Facilities will code your ID card within 2 business days.