
This full-year clinic will be offered for the twenty-second year in 2023-2024. Supervising faculty for the clinic will be Clinic Director Professor Victoria Phillips, Practitioner-in-Residence Tracie Siddiqui, and Adjunct Patent Supervisor David Grossman.

The clinic concentrates on live client representation that helps student attorneys better understand the concept of the public interest in copyright, patent, trademark, and allied fields. Student attorneys in the clinic will participate in both individual client matters and policy matters advocating change in the law. Individual matters will involve advising creative artists, non-profit organizations, small inventors and entrepreneurs, scholars, traditional communities, and others who otherwise would not have access to high-quality intellectual property law services, as well as representing them before various agencies (Copyright Office, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, etc.). Policy projects will be designed to promote intellectual property law reform, and may include filing amicus briefs in high-profile legal cases and administrative proceedings, preparing reports on current issues, and conducting legislative advocacy.

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